The LEX system brings together high speed and high sensitivity in a PCR molecular system to redefine point-of-care diagnostics. Our launch product will complete a test in under 10 minutes while reporting positive results in as little as 5 minutes, enabling time and cost-efficient results during a single appointment.

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Point-of-care molecular diagnostics with a step change in speed, sensitivity and cost

At launch, the LEX system will report positive results in as little as 5-minutes with multiplex testing for the detection and differentiation of Flu A, Flu B and COVID-19, while negative results will report in under 10 minutes. The system is designed for use in CLIA waived settings with a fully automated swab-to-result workflow that requires no liquid sample handling, saving hands-on time and reducing the risk of infection. The compact footprint is intended for use at the point of care in a physician’s office, pharmacy or urgent care facility.

LEX plans to expand respiratory test offering by developing RSV and Strep A tests which we expect will operate faster and run to completion in approximately 5 minutes. When we develop our second generation instrument, we plan to introduce Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI) testing to our portfolio of tests.

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